Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why bother?

     So why bother? This isn't going to accomplish anything.

     You're absolutely correct. If nobody bothers nothing ever happens. I must say here that it is exactly that attitude that leads us down the wrong path so often. I am reminded of a famous adage that says," In order for evil to succeed it is only necessary that good men do nothing." Nothing is easy, it's simple and it cannot fail to produce the desired result which is nothing.

     If I were asking for nothing, this campaign would have been a huge success in its first attempt. But no one likes to fail. No one roots for a consistent loser ( Cubs and Blues fans excepted) because,somehow, the teams failure then falls on them. So it becomes much easier to ignore them than support them. But without support those teams have a most difficult time improving. And that is what will happen here. I'm not asking for monetary support, but simply a small investment of Faith and a smaller investment in time. What's odd is, that while most people are busy they seem much more inclined to donate time than Faith. Faith requires commitment, it requires a long view and we are all so accustomed to instant gratification.

     Consider this. I have roughly 200 (nearly average) Facebook friends. If 10% of them forward this post to their friends, and they have 200 friends then 4000 people will see this. And that's where it starts. If 10% of those forward it to 200 people then 80000 people will see it. You get the idea. Things snowball very rapidly. And if just a fraction of the world steps up to ring a bell for just a short time, but at the same time, then we will get the attention we are looking for. Someone will ask " Why were all those bells ringing?" And once we have their attention we can begin. Help me garner that attention.

     On Nov. 1st, 2014, at whatever time local sunset is in your part of the world, stand outside and ring a bell for five minutes. The sound of bells ringing in a wave that circumnavigates the world is bound to grab some attention. Don't you think?

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